It shouldn’t come as a surprise that social media is a pretty important aspect of your business. Social media is how you connect with your clients and prospects; it’s how you give your business a personal touch.

But social media can be difficult to figure out. After all, it’s more than just a few tweets here and there and some re-pins every once in a while. Social media won’t work well for you unless you are strategic about your posts, tweets & pins.

5 Habits

Here are 5 habits that successful social media experts have, try building some of these habits yourself:

  1. Use different platforms in different ways.

Every social media platform is different. Each one caters to different demographics. Depending on your industry and target market, choose to focus on only the platforms that will be the most beneficial instead of trying to tackle all of them.

Pay attention to what type of posts perform better at what time and on which platforms.  For instance, videos do great on Twitter and Facebook, but not on Pinterest.  Pinterest usually performs better in the evening, and Facebook tends to get more engagement during the day. Paying attention to these differences can make a huge difference in the success of your marketing strategy.

  1. Set clear and attainable goals.

You can’t reach a goal if you don’t have one. And the more specific it is, the better.  You need to be able to determine if it’s working or not.

For example, if you want to increase your Pinterest re-pins, you should have a specific number or percentage in mind. Otherwise, if your goal is to get more re-pins, than if you get just one you’ve technically reached your goal.

Clearly understanding your goals can help you plan a strategy that will benefit your business in a wonderful way.  Start with small, attainable goals to keep you motivated.

  1. Listen to your audience.

In order for your efforts to pay off, you have to listen to what your customers want, otherwise, you’re missing a lot of potential.  Pay attention to what your customers are saying and how they’re saying it then, take that information and use it to create more content. Keep track of what works and what doesn’t, what engages your customers and what they ignore, so you can post content that is more relevant to your audience.

  1. Engage and connect.

The whole point of social media is to be social, right?  Use social media to build relationships with your customers.  Share content they like, comment on their thoughts and opinions, and ultimately let them know that you value them.

Engaging with your audience builds trust. They start to see the personality behind your business, making your business more authentic and personable to them, and ultimately leading to more sales.

  1. Track and analyze data.

Tracking and analyzing information helps you to know if your efforts are working.  If you’re just posting content and you’re not measuring its effectiveness, how are you going to improve? You would have nothing to compare it to.  It’s important to review the types of links, posts, and pins that are getting the most interaction and how your audience is engaging with them.  Are they clicking on links?  If so, how often?  What pages are they engaging with the most?  This information will help you continue to post content that your followers will want to see.

Social media is constantly changing, but understanding how your customers are using it can help your efforts be more powerful and effective.

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